Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

Information Technology Center

General information

The Information Technology Center is one of the most essential and specific components of the structure of the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics. This is obvious, since it is the Center where the main strategies for the use of information technologies by the Institute in the educational process, methodological and managerial activities of the university are determined. The work of the Center is inseparably connected with the life of the Institute.

Creativity and search are the main characteristic features of the ITC employees’ nature. The staff is constantly working aiming for a positive change.

Besides maintaining efficiency of current equipment at the Institute, the Center also coordinates a set of works related to informatization, listed as follows:

- design, construction and operation of the Institute local network;

- increasing the material and technical base for providing the educational process with computer and multimedia equipment;

- introduction of Internet/Intranet technologies;

- providing access to information resources of the international Internet network;

- the use of modern information technologies in education, first of all, the introduction of distance learning at the Institute;

- development, administration and maintenance of application programs serving the educational process, administrative and economic services of the Institute;

- introduction of a system for automating the educational process management.

The Center organizes various computer courses and provides Internet access for the participants of various projects.

Besides it, the technical and computer facilities of all educational classrooms, laboratories, departments and divisions of the Institute are combined into a single telecommunications network of the Institute.

Software Projects

Implementation of the Information - Analytical System "University"

Within the framework of the Agreement between Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE) and ChITE SUTE, the 1st stage of the Information and Analytical System "University" had been successfully introduced for the business processes automatization in the Institute. At the moment signing of the Agreement between KhNURE and ChITE SUTE are in the progress.

Library and information service development program

Electronic Web Directory

The library server of the Institute provides access to the catalog of book publications and to the database of periodicals and articles and works in our local network. The employees of the library fill the base with the resources.

Electronic catalog in the local network

Also, in the local network of the Institute, a electronic catalog search client works in the form of a separate application. It has advantages as follows: more convenient use compared to the web catalog, higher speed and the ability to save the received list of publications in TXT or XLS format.

Librarian program

Library employees fill the database of periodicals and books with the help of a separate software application created at the CIT. The "SLIB" program works with a client-server technology and updates the database common to all library projects. With its help, all actions with the electronic catalog are performed, and some reports specific to librarianship are obtained.

Book Accounting Program (for the teachers and professors)

A program for the accounting of books handed to the teachers/professors has been implemented. The program is built on the principle of orders - handed specific copies of books to a specific person with a fixed time of operation. The book return takes place in a similar way; it is possible to return the order in parts. The client’s order history is being saved.

Based on the received data, the program can remind a person about the expiration of the return period with an issued report about the surname and handed books. Also the program has in its arsenal reports for the following purposes:

- books handed to the teacher/professor;

- debtors;

- who has the book in availability;

- who has 2 or more copies of the same book;

- all the handed books.

Access to the full-text database of electronic publications of the Center for Educational Literature is being organized out of computers on the local network:

The "Moodle" (Modular Object-Oriented Educational System) software was created and introduced on the server of the ChITE SUTE aiming to improve the distance learning methods. Distance learning courses are being regularly introduced and updated in accordance with international standards.

The Institutional Repository of the Academic Works had been created at ChITE SUTE for convenient use and storing with an easy access to the scientific research and methodical works of professors and staff members of the ChITE SUTE.

The Repository works at the address as follows:

Within the framework of the Project "Avoiding plagiarism as the key to improve the quality of education", the "Anti-plagiarism" computer system for accounting, storage and comparative analysis of electronic variants of the students’ written works was introduced in June 2007.

In order to ensure the high quality of professional training of students of higher education, the introduction of modern software tools in the organization of the educational process, the promotion of academic integrity and the improvement of the quality of education, the Institute uses the Unichek matching/ identity/ similarity detection system in order to detect signs of plagiarism in scientific and academic works of the students. The scientific works and thesis are scanned and verified in real-time, as well as compared to billions of Internet web pages.

Besides it, we created the Electronic Library of the ChITE SUTE with available and comfortable access to the textbooks and manuals, authored by the professors and staff members of the Institute.

A full-text base of educational and methodical publications of the staff members of the Institute has been implemented. It’s available in the local network of the ChITE SUTE -

BigBlueButton web conference server has been provided to implement online training -

At the chatbot has been created, which provides all the significant information about the Institute: educational degrees, Admissions Committee, divisions (departments, dormitory, etc.) and contacts.

The ChITE SUTE can be found at the following Internet social networks:

Facebook -

Instagram -


Technical Projects

Development of the network of the Institute

• The network of the Institute consists of three domains, distributed at its different buildings. In total, there are more than 400 workstations in the network.

• Each Institute building with the classrooms and laboratories is equipped with servers to solve the network organizational formation and additional service tasks, the need for which arises during the educational process.

• High-speed optical fiber lines connect the networks of separate buildings with classrooms and labs into the general network of the Institute with the possibility of safe data transmission between remote buildings.

• Local network is being served by the servers based on Windows Server OS, FreeBSD OS and Citrix XenServer virtualization server. The functionality of the servers is being provided and changed depending on the tasks set by the educational process and is compatible with any software and modern information technologies.

• Due to the approach of creation of the Institute's local network, classrooms and computer laboratories are provided with organized access to the Internet, file servers and other network services for information exchange, storage and processing.

Development of Internet Technologies

Access to the global Internet network had been provided by several dedicated optical fiber lines with a speed of about 50 Mbit/s.

• Safe access of workstations to the Internet had been organized with the traffic control of information transmitted and received.

• The mail server of the Institute provides all users with an individual mail address with the possibility of access the mailbox not only from the local network, but also from the global Internet.

• The video conference server allows holding so-called on-line Webinars with the educational institutions both of other cities of Ukraine and of various countries around the world.

• Wi-Fi HotSpot had been implemented, giving an opportunity to use the Internet from mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other portable devices using WIFI technology.

• To provide Internet services, the Institute operates 9 servers based on the FreeBSD OS (including 4 virtual ones), which ensure the operation of the official page of the Institute, distance learning .ua:8280, e-mail, video conferencing, WIFI access to the Internet, testing of students’ sites and projects, which are their diploma thesis projects, and many other Internet services for educational needs.

• The students’ dormitory has access to Internet resources due to the Ethernet network served by the Internet provider "Langate" and WIFI access points from Ukrtelecom OJSC.

Information Technology Center