Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation

General Information

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation trains specialists for Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the following educational programmes:

• Bachelor’s degree:

1. "Finance, Banking, Insurance, and Stock Market"

2. "Accounting and Taxation"

• Master’s degree:

1. "Financial Monitoring and Tax Management"

2. "Accounting and Taxation"

Department uses five state-of-the-art specialized classrooms to facilitate a dynamic learning environment:

1. Tax Policy Classroom

2. Finance, Banking, and Insurance Classroom

3. Accounting Classroom

4. Control and Audit Classroom

5. Classroom of Analytical Disciplines

Besides it, Department leverages the resources of the Center for Information Technology. These specialized classrooms and computer labs are equipped with cutting-edge technical resources, including multimedia projectors, display stands, and computers with essential software.

Directions of scientific research and study

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department works on a research topic: "Financial and accounting and analytical support for the management of socio-economic development of territorial communities", which provides for the substantiation of theoretical foundations and practical approaches to financial and accounting and analytical support for the management of socio-economic development of territorial communities in the Chernivtsi region. On the basis of the results of scientific research, the ways of development of territorial communities of Chernivtsi region in the direction of financial and accounting and analytical support of management of socio-economic potential of the Bukovyna region will be proposed.

Through our research efforts, we seek to provide valuable insights and recommendations for the advancement of territorial communities in the Chernivtsi region. Our primary objective is to elevate the financial and accounting analytical foundations, thereby facilitating the effective management of the socio-economic potential within the Bukovyna region. This, in turn, contributes to its sustainable and prosperous development.

Cooperation with stakeholders

The implementation of the Department's educational process involves creative cooperation with stakeholders. In particular, the Department's stakeholders are involved in updating existing and developing new educational programmes and curricula, and providing suggestions for their improvement and modernization. Stakeholders also review educational programmes in terms of professional training, without interfering with the procedures for the educational process for the mandatory component responsible for the formation of learning outcomes for integral and general educational competencies of the students.

The stakeholders of the Department include leading enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city of Chernivtsi and the Chernivtsi region, including 2 professional NGOs.

Through our research efforts, we seek to provide valuable insights and recommendations for the advancement of territorial communities in the Chernivtsi region. Our primary objective is to elevate the financial and accounting analytical foundations, thereby facilitating the effective management of the socio-economic potential within the Bukovyna region. This, in turn, contributes to its sustainable and prosperous development.

Practical training

Practical training of specialists provided by the Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation involves practical and laboratory classes in specialized classrooms and computer laboratories of the Institute by the academic staff of the Department; involvement of leading practitioners in master classes, seminars, trainings, webinars; participation of students in various events organized by partner companies, including within the scientific group of the Department "Accountant's Adviser" and "Financier".

An important component of the practical training of the Department's specialists is the possibility of foreign practice, which is provided on the basis of cooperation agreements with Institute’s international partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Latvia, Moldova, Northern Cyprus, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, etc.

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation of the ChITE SUTE has established close cooperation with leading domestic enterprises, organizations and institutions to organize practical training for the students majoring in the Accounting and Taxation, Financial Monitoring and Tax Management study programmes.

Our achievements

Over the years, the Department's teachers and students have won prizes and nominations in various professional competitions, including:

- Annual Competitions for the best scientific work in the speciality 071 "Accounting and Taxation" and 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market";

- Nationwide Olympiad in the specialities 071 "Accounting and Taxation" and 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market";

- Annual Competition for the best final qualification work in the specialities 071 "Accounting and Taxation" and 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market";

- Bukovyna Student Science Festival.

In addition, students of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation have frequently participated in the Erasmus+ student exchange programme, expanding their horizons and enriching their educational experiences.

For more information about our accomplishments, please visit:

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation