Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of the State University of Trade and Economics is one of the leading and promising higher education institutions in the western region of Ukraine.
The History of the Institute dates back to 1966.
2021 has a significant date for the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of SUTE: our higher education institution has been established 55 years ago. It can be considered a kind of summary of the main development path of the Institute, which organically combines classical educational traditions, generalized long-term achievements with ultra-modern latest technologies and a generation of new creative ideas.
The Institute grants the higher education degrees of a Junior Bachelor, a Bachelor and a Master with the majors in:
International Economics
Accounting and Taxation
Finance, Banking and Insurance
Financial Monitoring and Tax Management
Hotel and Restaurant Management
Business Management
Management of Trade Organizations
Management of Marketing Activity
Hotel and Restaurant Business
Hotel and Restaurant Development
Food Technology
Restaurant Technology and Food Design
The Institute also has the following functioning units:
reading rooms;
computer laboratories;
office for the students’ independent studies;
multimedia offices;
language laboratories;
8 laboratories (for food technology, standardization, certification, metrology and quality management; design and automation of service and production processes; production technology of restaurant products and equipment; organization of restaurant service; organization of hotel service; technology of beverages and bar business; marketing ideas; commodity science);
8 specialized offices (chemistry; tourism; marketing and advertising; tax policy; finance, banking and insurance; accounting; control and audit; analytical disciplines);
Recreation Center «Korman».
Special-interest groups and clubs efficiently function on the basis of the Institute, namely: tourist club «Plai», scientific groups («Marketer», «Search», «Financier», «Accountant Advisor», «Profi») and profession-oriented schools (Bartender’s School, School of Culinary skills and service, Confectioner’s School, School of healthy lifestyle).
Teachers and students of ChITE SUTE have the opportunity to participate in Erasmus+ academic mobility programs, foreign internship programs, conferences, round tables, etc. Participation in these events allows improving the level of teaching, gaining experience in foreign institutions of higher education, comparing various aspects of the educational process abroad and in Ukraine through direct participation in it, improving own skills and abilities, learning to better adapt to a new environment and establish new business relationships.
The Institute cooperates on a contractual basis with foreign higher education institutions from Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Bulgaria, Georgia, Latvia, Northern Cyprus, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, etc.