CHITE Library
General information
The library of the CHITE SUTE is an important part of the Institute's information environment, its resource, communication and socio-cultural center.
The purpose of the library is to create an up-to-date information base for organizing educational and research processes, providing fast and convenient access to global scientific and educational resources, primary research sources, as well as its own digital resources.

The library fulfills its mission by providing a wide range of traditional and modern services and introducing innovative technologies, new forms and methods of work.
The library of CHITE SUTE is formed in accordance with the profile of the Institute. The library has up-to-date publications on economics, finance, management, marketing, accounting, food technology, tourism, information technology, legal and socio-political literature, periodicals, training and methodological manuals of the institute's researchers.
Today, the library's collection includes more than 52 thousand documents, including more than 45 thousand copies of educational and scientific publications and more than a thousand copies of periodicals.
The library annually serves over 1.8 thousand users and issues over 150 thousand documents.
The library departments are located in two buildings: No.1 (central) and No.4, with a total area of 489.3 m2. The library has created comfortable conditions for users. The library offers a subscription to scientific and educational literature, as well as there are two reading rooms at users’ disposal.
The library is expanding its information capabilities by organically combining traditional and new resources. The electronic library collection is being actively updated and consists of three databases: electronic textbooks and manuals authored by the teachers of the CHITE SUTE; an electronic database of full-text materials of CHITE SUTE educational and methodological publications; and electronic textbooks and manuals published by Ukrainian publishers. Today, the total fund of electronic resources of the library is more than 5 thousand documents. The e-library is accessible via the Institute's local network.

Supporting the general principles and ideology of the global Open Access movement, the institutional repository of the ChITE SUTE was created and is being actively updated. The main purpose of the institutional repository is to promote the growth of the Institute's popularity by presenting its scientific work on the Internet; increase the citation of scientific publications of scientists, teachers, students by providing constant free and free access to them via the Internet; create a reliable and accessible system for accounting, accumulation, systematization, and electronic storage of full texts of scientific works. Repository address on the Internet is as follows: The total number of documents in the repository of CHITE is over 1300.
Various sources of information are available to users in the reading rooms of the library and in the computer labs of the Institute: free Internet and Wi-Fi zone; electronic library catalog containing more than 50 thousand bibliographic records of the book collection, about 10 thousand records of journal articles on specialized subjects; electronic textbooks, educational and methodological publications; electronic professional periodicals; open access resources; scientific, bibliographic and scientometric platforms.
Much attention is paid to the formation of the information culture of users, their active involvement in working with printed and digital information resources, and the implementation of measures to promote academic integrity and the basics of academic writing.
Cultural and educational activities play a special role in shaping the positive image of the CHITE’s library. Public events help to ensure that the library is seen by users not only as a source of information but also as a place for cultural enrichment, a center for informal communication, a place to relax and spend leisure time. Various public events are held in the library's reading rooms, including poetry evenings, master classes, folklore festivals, art meetings, etc.
Individual and group information has always been an important part of the library's activities. Traditionally, the library holds information days, exhibitions of new acquisitions, and presentations of educational and scientific literature authored by CHITE’s lecturers.
The library of the CHITE has its own modern website, which contains a full range of electronic resources; a list of services provided by the library; and other relevant information.