Department of Scientific and Methodological Work and International Relations
General information
The activities of the Department of Scientific, Methodological Work and International Relations are aimed at: organizing, monitoring and improving the educational, methodological, scientific research work and international activity of our Institute; promoting the introduction of innovative learning technologies in the educational process, the integration of the educational process and science; development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff and our students.

The main tasks of the Department of Scientific, Methodological Work and International Relations are as follows:
Planning and control of educational and methodical, research work.
Generalization and dissemination of the best experience of the departments of the Institute, SUTE and other educational institutions as to issues of scientific, methodological work and international relations.
Assistance in the development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff and students of the Institute.
Providing advisory assistance to departments and professors on issues concerning planning and organization of methodological and research work.
Coordination of activity of the Methodological Council of the Institute and methodological commissions of the departments.
Planning and organization of scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads, competitions of student scientific research works.
Analysis of the implementation of plans for educational and methodological, research work, plans for round tables, seminars, etc. scientific measures.
Publication of the scientific collection "ChITE Bulletin", collections of student scientific papers.
Development of relations and cooperation with foreign educational institutions in order to integrate into the international educational environment and promote the achievements of ChITE SUTE at the international level.
Establishment and development of contacts with international funds, projects for participation in the implementation of international projects, programs, scientific research and joint events.
Control over the execution of cooperation agreements with foreign partners.
Organization and holding of meetings and negotiations with the subsequent signing of the above-mentioned contracts, agreements, protocols and work programs between ChITE and foreign partners at all stages of cooperation.
Staff of the Department
Alla Shymko - head of the Department of Scientific, Methodological Work and International Relations;
Nelia Savielieva - senior inspector of the Department;
Lesia Gorzhu - leading specialist of the Department.
Yana Dupelich - specialist of the Department.