Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

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The International Scientific
and Practical Online Conference

On May 5, 2022, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of the State University of Trade and Economics hosted The International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT: REGION AL ASPECT».

The online conference was attended by more than 100 participants from 7 foreign and 30 home institutions of higher education, including scientists and practitioners from 5 countries and 12 cities of Ukraine, who in total prepared almost 70 research abstracts.

Our distinguished guests greeted the organizers and participants with the hosting of the Conference, namely:

- Anatolii Mazaraki, Professor, Rector of the State University of Trade and Economics;

- Valentyn Dunaievskyi, acting Director of the Department of Regional Development of the Chernivtsi Regional Military Administration;

- Sergii Bostan, Director of the Department of Social and Economic Development and Strategic Planning of the Chernivtsi City Council;

- Lilia Korchevska, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Kherson National Technical University.

Also, there were many sincere greetings from our foreign partners and co-organizers of the International conference, namely, from (in the order of appearance):

- Stanislav Filipp, Chairman of the Academic Senate of the Higher School of Economics and Management in Public Administration, Ph.D, Professor (Bratislava, Slovak Republic);

- Alexandru Manole, Rector of the ARTIFEX University, Professor (Bucharest, Romania);

- Bogdan Wlodarczyk, Director of the Institute of the University of Lodz, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Poland);

- Carmen Nastase, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Romania).

The plenary session, was opened by the welcoming speech of Anatolii Vdovichen (Director of the ChITE SUTE) and followed by the heartfelt greeting speeches of Ghenadie Ciobanu (University «ARTIFEX», Bucharest, Romania), Andrii Briazkalo (Director of «Bukovyna Business Center ltd» and NGO «Association of Hotels») and Heorhii Skliar (University of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine (Ukoopspilka) «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», Poltava).

Besides it, greetings were also received in the form of video messages from:

- Valentyna Vasylivna Nechyporenko, Rector of the Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy under the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;

- Liudmyla Volodymyrivna Tranchenko, Head of the Department of Hotel, Restaurant Business and Tourism of Uman National University of Horticulture, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

After interesting reports, active live and online discussions, the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference were summed up and the Resolution was adopted.

Photo report...

The International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT: REGION AL ASPECT»