Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

X International Scientific Symposium
«Opportunities to change the economic and social realities of the world»

On May 26, 2022 Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of the State University of Trade and Economics took part in the jubilee X International Scientific Symposium «Opportunities to change the economic and social realities of the world» as a co-organizer held at the University of Bucharest «ARTIFEX» (Romania).

At the beginning of the symposium, Anatoliy Vdovichen, Director of DTEU CHTEI, made a welcoming speech.

At the end, a video about the life and achievements of the institute and the sights of Chernivtsi was shown.

Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Taxation Konon Bagriy spoke at the plenary session of the symposium with the research «Economic and social development of Chernivtsi region: state and prospects», which proposed strategic and operational goals of Bukovyna region in modern martial law.

We thank ARTIFEX University of Bucharest for the close cooperation between our educational institutions and we are confident that in the future we will only develop our common directions and projects in educational, scientific and research activities!

Photo report...

X International Scientific Symposium «Opportunities to change the economic and social realities of the world»