The Meeting of the СHITE’s Deputy Director, Doctor of Economics,
Professor Vasyl Kyfyak and Irina-Loredana Stanculescu,
the Consul General of Romania in the city of Chernivtsi
On January 22, 2025, the Deputy Director of the СHITE, Doctor of Economics, Professor Vasyl KYFYAK, met with Irina-Loredana STANCULESCU, the Consul General of Romania in the city of Chernivtsi. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the directions of development of cross-border cooperation, establishment of economic, cultural, tourist, and educational links between the countries.
Cooperation in the field of education is of particular importance. In particular, Mr. Vasyl and Ms. Irina exchanged views on the EU co-funded Project “Links between theory and practice in cross-border education in Romania and Ukraine” (HUSKROUA/23/RS/3.1/043)”. The work on this project was started by the scientists of CHITE SUTE within the framework of the Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2021-2027 Program.
The implementation of joint projects contributes to the development of our region.