Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

Department of Educational and Methodical Work, Accreditation and Licensing

General Information

The Department is a subdivision of the administrative structure of the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of the State University of Trade and Economics, the purpose of which is as follows:

- planning, organization and control of the educational process, carried out at the Institute on licensed specialities and volumes of training pursuant to the current regulatory documents;

- implementation of the Institute's academic policy and regulatory support of the educational process;

- ensuring the implementation of the state policy on licensing and accreditation of educational activity at the Institute;

- forming the register and catalogue of databases for practical training of the students; the conclusion of agreements and memorandums on cooperation with stakeholders: organizations, institutions, enterprises;

- organization of practical training for the students of ChITE SUTE and other HEIs, control and analysis of the practical training effectiveness;

- within the framework of the Center for Career Development, Practical Training and Employment of the Students and Graduates:

Х holding presentations about the activity of the successful employing companies;

Х assistance in employment for the students and graduates of the Institute;

Х search and sharing information about temporary and permanent job vacancies, etc.

Contact Information

Official site:


Staff of the Department

  • Halyna Olegivna Polianko - head of the Department of Educational and Methodical Work, Accreditation and Licensing;

  • Lubov Vasylivna Gut - leading specialist of the Department.

Department of Educational and Methodical Work, Accreditation and Licensing