Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

Higher School of Pedagogical Skills and Professional Development

General Information

The Higher School of Pedagogical Skills (HSPS) was established in ChITE KNUTE in 2004. Iryna Adamova, the Excellent Worker of Education of Ukraine, professor, Head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, was nominated to hold the position of the HSPS director from the first days of its operation.

The audience of the Higher School of Pedagogical Skills included all young lecturers from different departments who became the pedagogical staff member out of our students, or those, who came from other educational establishments. Such courses as "Teaching Methods at Higher Educational Establishments" and "Innovative Teaching Methods at Higher Educational Establishments" were conducted at this school. The main purpose of these courses is to prepare new generation of lecturers are able to think creatively, develop and implement into educational process new educational technologies of teaching and learning, as well as assimilate new innovation methods in higher educational establishments. The work of school was carried out by conducting educational and methodic seminars and workshops.

In 2012, the Higher School of Pedagogical Skills was headed by Associate Professor of Economics, Tetiana Holovachuk, Konon Bagrii, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing, was appointed as the Deputy Chief.

The main emphasis in the course program of "Innovative methods of teaching in higher education" was placed on the study and mastering of the latest innovative methods of teaching in higher education.

Since September 2014, the Higher School of Pedagogical Skills, which was headed by Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing Konon Bagrii (2014-16), Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, Irina Dobrzhanska (2016-18) and Associate Professor of Management, International of Economics and Tourism, Roman Hyshchuk (2018 - 21).

Since January 2022, the Higher School of Pedagogical Skills and Professional Development is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Banking, Alla Chornovol. The School has changed its format of work significantly. These changes included, first of all, transfer into an association of teachers with high creative activity, with individual vision of the problems of the educational process, with high results of its practical activities which combine both youth and invaluable teaching experience.

Higher School of Pedagogical Skills and Professional Development