Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

Scientific, Research and Innovative Activity

General information

One of the main directions of activities in CHITE SUTE is the organization and carrying out of scientific researches. Among the main tasks of scientific and research work there are: the development of fundamental scientific researches in priority areas of modern science, as well as applied researches ordered by enterprises, institutions and organizations in order to solve current problems of socio-economic and innovative development, improvement of higher education in professional directions.

All scientific and research projects conducted by the scientists of the Institute are made with respect to the priority areas of the development of the economy. They meet the requirements of time and reflect processes and events happening in the economy of Ukraine and modern world.

Nowadays 39 full-time lecturers are working at the Institute, including 34 PhDs and 6 Doctors of Sciences. Scientific potential of the Institute aims to study actual economic and social problems of the region and Ukraine as a whole.

Scientists of the Institute develop 4 scientific and research areas. Results of scientific researches are implemented in practical activity of enterprises and public institutions; are reflected in scientific papers, monographs, reports at scientific conferences and seminars; are used in education process.

During 2021-2024 teaching staff of the Institute have published 1717 scientific and educational-methodological works including: 20 monographs and monograph chapters, 18 textbooks and manuals, 547 scientific publications. In particular, 79 works had been published in scientific journals abroad, 59 works - in scientific journals included in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Academic staff of the Institute is actively involved in participation in various projects, including the development of regional programs of socio-economic development (Chernivtsi Region Development Strategy up to 2027, Tourism Development Program 2024-2025).

There is a Specialized Journal "CHITE Bulletin", which is a national publication and is included in the list of scientific journals of Ukraine. The journal is presented at the V. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, Ulrichs Web ProQuest International Scientometric Database. It is also indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Crossref, abstract databases «Ukrainika Naukova» and Ukrainian abstract journal «Dzherelo».

Students of the Institute are actively involved in scientific and research work, Olympiads, contests of scientific projects, student scientific conferences, round tables and festivals where they present their reports and publish scientific works.

For the development of students' scientific creativity, development of their qualifications and support of scientific potential in the institute there are: Scientific Society of Young Scientists and Students, School of Bartenders, School of Confectioners, School of Culinary Excellence and Service, School of Hospitality, Tourist Club "Plai", School of Business Success, 5 scientific clubs with more than 300 students.

Each year students publish over 400 scientific papers and abstracts in the journals of the Institute and scientific journals of other educational institutions abroad.

The Institute organizes national and international scientific conferences for students and academic staff, methodical seminars, webinars, round tables, etc. They attract a lot of participants not only from all over Ukraine, but also from Poland, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Bulgaria and others. The results of the conferences are published in scientific journals.

Scientific, research and innovative activity