Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

The Educational Department of ChITE of SUTE

General Information

Educational Department is a structural subdivision of the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics, aiming to fulfill tasks as follows: organization and control of the educational process, carried out at the Institute pursuant to the licensed specialties and volumes of training in accordance with regulatory documents; implementation of the academic policy of the Institute; formation of personality through patriotic, legal, ecological education, improving the students’ moral values, social activity, citizenship and responsibility, a healthy lifestyle, the ability to think independently and self-organize under modern conditions; create corresponding conditions for the realizing the students’ skills and talents in the educational process.

The Educational Department is in charge for the Center of the Students’ Mentors and Academic Virtue, the Center for Organizational, Educational, Cultural and Sports Work, the Scholarship Commission.

The main tasks of the Educational Department are as follows:

1) to organize the educational process of the Institute in accordance with the current legal acts of Ukraine and the Orders concerning the Institute, Internal Regulations;

2) to introduce innovative models of the educational process organization aimed at integrating the institution into the European Higher Education Area;

3) to plan and organize the classroom work of the professors and students;

4) to organize a system for assessing the students’ academic results and their analysis;

5) to keep an operational record of the students’ contingent;

6) to support the work of the Scholarship Committee of the Institute;

7) to organize educational, cultural and sports work at the Institute;

8) to organize, analyze and control work of the mentors of academic student groups.

Contact Information


Staff of the Department

  • Iryna Vasylivna Mustetsa - head of the Educational Department (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor);

  • Oksana Ivanivna Humenna - leading specialist of the Educational Department;

  • Oksana Heorhiivna Zhurba - dispatcher of the Educational Department;

  • Natalia Herasymivna Singina - dispatcher of the Educational Department;

  • Iryna Ivanivna Petrushko - dispatcher of the Educational Department;

  • Olha Hennadiivna Vdovichena - sociologist of the Ist category.

The Educational Department of ChITE of SUTE