Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

The Organizational and Human Resources Department

General Information

The Organizational and Human Resources Department functions as an autonomous structural entity within the Institute, operating under the authority of the Institute's Director.

Its primary areas of focus encompass:

- Scientific and pedagogical personnel.

- Administrative and economic staff.

- Educational and support personnel.

- Structural subdivisions.

- Students.

The primary responsibilities of the Department include:

- Ensuring that departments and subdivisions within the Institute have the requisite number of employees possessing suitable qualifications as per the staff roster.

- Managing the registration processes for employee admissions, transfers, relocations, and dismissals, as well as overseeing employee vacation accrual and leave allocations.

- Orchestrating the registration of personnel across all employee categories in compliance with prevailing regulations and established forms of personnel documentation.

- Coordinating initiatives for the professional development of the Institute's teaching staff.

- Executing the Institute Director's directives to enhance organizational levels and discipline adherence in executing orders and instructions, while also overseeing the coordination of various structural units.

- Formulating recommendations and suggestions for the Director regarding Institute operations, quality management system enhancements, and the augmentation of structural unit effectiveness.

- Overseeing the organization and maintenance of records for individuals subject to military service, conscripts, and reservists studying or working at the Institute.

- Receiving and managing archival documents, encompassing diverse material information carriers, from the Institute's structural subdivisions.

- Developing the inventory of files within the Institute.

- Managing archival affairs, including file formation, storage, and transfer to the Institute's archive.

The Organizational and Human Resources Department