Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

Training on the topic:
«Stress Management as a Social Category: Essence, Types, Ways to Overcome»

On May 2, 2024, Oleksandra Siduniak, a social worker at the Rockada Charitable Foundation, conducted a series of trainings for second-year Bachelor's students on the topic “Stress Management as a Social Category: Essence, Types, Ways to Overcome It”.

During the meeting, Oleksandra noted that studying stress management allows students to control their emotions and reactions to unusual situations while remaining focused and energetic. This has a positive impact on overall productivity and quality of work.

The students were also introduced to the activities of the Rockada Charitable Foundation and received information about the services they can receive, as well as contact information if necessary.

We are grateful to the Rockada Charitable Foundation for organizing the event, and to Oleksandra Siduniak for the informative training!

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Training on the topic: «Stress Management as a Social Category: Essence, Types, Ways to Overcome»