Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics
of State University of Trade and Economics

Certificat system of quality management ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015

International Vyshyvanka (embroidered shirts - ed.) Day. Let's unite for victory!

Traditionally, on the third Thursday of May, the staff and students of Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of SUTE join the celebration of World Vyshyvanka Day.

This holiday celebrates not only the beauty and mastery of Ukrainian embroidery but also symbolizes unity, traditions and pride in our culture. Vyshyvanka is not just a beautiful garment, it is a masterpiece of folk handmade art that inspires and brings all Ukrainians together.

Today, join the celebration, wear your best embroidered shirts or blouses and show them off in all their glory! Remember that each embroidered shirt or blouse has its own history and symbolism that can take anyone back to the distant past.

Let this day be filled with joy, warmth and patriotism. Celebrate it with us, share your photos and tag us. Let's preserve and enhance the traditions of our ancestors together!

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International Vyshyvanka (embroidered shirts - ed.) Day